Nine year-old Chloe Simmons, left, in pink, pets a guinea pig held by Seattle Animal Shelter volunteer Killy Keefe, in the "small critter" section of the shelter. Simmons held her birthday party at the shelter. She collected $400 plus a dozen or so bags of dog and cat food to donate.
It was Chloe Simmons' ninth birthday Sunday, Dec. 20, and the Schmitz Park student invited her brother, Jacob, 11, and eight friends to the Seattle Animal Shelter. Simmons has been collecting money and dog and cat food since November on behalf of the dogs and cats at the shelter. She collected $400 plus about a dozen large bags of food.
"The reason I did this is because it's close to Christmas and dogs don't have a voice and can't ask Santa for anything so I'm acting like Santa," said Simmons, whose friends, plus her mother, Blythe, and father, Jerry, got a tour and lecture of the facility. The Simmon's have two dogs, Duffy, a german shepherd, and Frida, a labrador/chow. Frida was adopted from the shelter.
The beaming birthday girl announced proudly to shelter volunteers that the morning of her birthday her father matched the funds she had raised through his West Seattle company Mr. Simmons Plumbing.
The Seattle Animal Shelter
2061 15th Ave West, Seattle
Main Telephone:
(206) 386-PETS (7387)
Main Telephone Hours:
7:10 am - 8:45 pm
(7 days/week)
Adoption/Shelter Hours:
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
(Tuesday - Sunday)