The Green Party of Washington State will hold a convention Jan. 30 in Ballard to formally reconstitute the state party.
The convention will be a working assembly, grappling with many important questions facing our nation and the Green Party of Washington State.
Topics of immediate concern include growing local chapters, upcoming electoral work and outreach.
The convention will be held at 8:30 a.m at Trinity United Methodist Church, 6512 23rd Ave. N.W. Registration will begin promptly at 8:30.
Attendance is free with donations accepted. Coffee and tea will be provided. Attendees are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch or visit locally-owned restaurants close by the convention site. Limited housing is available for those who wish to stay overnight.
Despite the best hopes in our first African-American president, we have an escalation in Afghanistan, a continuing war in Iraq, high unemployment, millions facing foreclosure, a health care plan written by insurance lobbyists, and billions in bailouts to Wall Street.
All of this is reflected in Washington state's massive budget deficit and shredding of the social safety net.
As the crisis deepens in Washington, the Green Party of Washington State is stepping up to the plate.
For additional information call 360.683.0867. Mail may be addressed to GPoWS, PO Box #95575, Seattle, WA 98145.