Nobody blew gasket
Sat, 01/30/2010
I watched the entire 1/12/2010 SeaTac City Council meeting on TV. It was a very long 5-hour meeting due to all the business to cover in January.
I did not see former Mayor Shape "blow a gasket" or "display immaturity" while expressing his feelings over the condemnation problems and the full page Times ads, especially with his home phone number printed on one. He has worked very hard to improve our city and deserves credit for it.
Two other council members expressed their feelings about how the King County Elections Department handled the votes for mayor.
Mr. Fisher expressed his strong feelings about current actions of King County that impact our city.
I believe expressing opinions is their right and they should, since that is part of the process of governing.
As a 53-year resident of then King County and now City of SeaTac, THANK YOU council members for all your do for our community.
This is a city "in progress" and I hope business people get on board and help us become even more interesting and fulfill our potential.
Virginia Olsen