SLIDESHOW: Preschool IS a place for pets
SLIDESHOW: Adelaide and Sarah show no fear while holding the Kenyan Sand Boa at the Burien Co-op Preschool last week. CLICK ON THE IMAGE FOR MORE PHOTOS FROM THE STORY.
Fri, 02/05/2010
Every few months Kevin Foxen and Sean Spinglet, owners of A Place for Pet's in downtown Burien, take their pet show on the road to various schools in the Highline area.
Last week, Kevin was visiting Burien Co-op Preschool with a veritable menagerie of exotic pets from a Mexican RedKnee Tarantula to a Madagascar Veiled Chamelion. Especially exciting was the Kenyan Sand Boa (non-poisonous).
The 2-3 year old kids were enamored by the creepy crawlies for the most part, bravely holding and petting with reservation. It seemed harder on the mom's than the tykes as each slithery creature was introduced.
The creepiest may have been the plastic jar of King Meal Worms escaping in all directions when loosed on the carpet. Probably a tasty treat for the Veiled Chamelion, but Kevin does not allow them in the same space at the same time.
A couple of Peruvian Guinea Pigs enjoyed cuddling in their arms like babes.
The rather docile Tarantula enjoyed resting on knees, in hands and on heads as Kevin moved it around the room. A special Sun Conoure from South America, fluttered its wings often while perched on little fingers.
Yon Lemieux, pre-school teacher, happily joined the kids in sharing this experience of nature.