“The Trial of Goldilocks" Tonight Feb. 12
Fri, 02/12/2010
Nearly 70 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students from Lafayette Elementary School are presenting “The Trial of Goldilocks", Friday, February 12, 2010 at the West Seattle High School theatre, 3000 California Ave. S.W.
In rhyme, mime and mirth, this exciting comedy examines the familiar fairy tale from three points of view: the traditional, the Bears', then Goldilocks'.
From the opening moment, when three vendors attempt to hawk souvenirs among the audience, to the surprising verdict from the jury and a "happily-ever-after" conclusion this play, performed completely in verse, is unique, enchanting and entertaining for the entire family. The show begins at 7:00pm running less than an hour.
Donations requested at the door, as the school district does not provide funds for such productions. There will also be a bake sale.