Upthegrove aims to preserve local Little League ball fields
Sun, 02/21/2010
A bill that would allow the Port of Seattle to continue to lease land to a Highline-area Little League organization at a steeply discounted rate has been filed in the state House of Representatives.
Sponsored by Rep. Dave Upthegrove (D - Des Moines), the measure authorizes "airport operators" to make airport property available for public recreation and other community uses at less than market value.
"I grew up playing Highline Little League baseball on these exact ball fields," Upthegrove said. "Today, south county children continue this tradition only because of the extremely affordable lease rates the Port extends to the Little League organization. A substantial hike in the lease rates could put the future of these fields at risk."
The ball fields in question are located in the second runway "buyout area" near SeaTac Airport, a neighborhood dotted with boarded-up residences.
Federal law specifies how close a residence can be to an airport runway, and over the years the Port has had to "buy out" home and business owners to keep them out of the prohibited zone. The recreational and athletic fields, however, continue to enjoy active use and are permitted within the zone.
"The lease rate has recently been called into question by the State Auditor. My aim to ensure that our state law is consistent with federal law, which actually permits these kinds of arrangements between airport operators and organizations like Little League, Upthegrove said.
"Little League sports provide affordable recreation for so many children while teaching the values of teamwork, discipline and sportsmanship. We need to ensure that these Highline ball fields remain available for the community."