Applicants are sought for North Highline council posts
Fri, 02/26/2010
Elections to the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council will be held on May 20.
Anyone interested in serving the community through the council must submit an application. There are a total of seven positions available, one from each of four districts and three At-Large positions.
To run for a district position you must reside within the district you are running in.
The At-Large positions are available to any resident of North Highline, a business owner or an employee of a non-profit organization within the boundaries of North Highline.
Each position is a two-year term with requirements to attend one meeting per month.
Applications are available at and at the North Highline Fire District headquarters at 1243 SW 112th St.
For additional information please refer to the candidate application or contact Ron Johnson at 206 767-3053.