The Seattle Department of Transportation will replace dying Arbutus trees on Eighth Avenue Northwest, such as this one seen last May, with Serviceberry Trees April 1.
The Seattle Department of Transportation landscape crews will plant 30 serviceberry trees April 1 in the planting strip of Eighth Avenue Northwest to replace the dying Arbutus trees that were removed last winter.
Crews will work from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to install the trees between Northwest 65th Street and Northwest 70th Street.
Serviceberries are small trees, up to 20 feet tall. They have white blossoms in March or early April, and orange foliage in the fall.
The Arbutus trees were planted in 1996 by Seattle City Light and likely fell victim to the unusually cold winter of 2008/2009, city arborist Nolan Rundquist told the Ballard News-Tribune in May 2009.