Port got better deal
Tue, 04/06/2010
Ignorance is not always "bliss"!!!!!
New windows, doors and insulation to protect us from aircraft NOISE made us ignore the POS's warning about the legal processes that went along with it.
"State laws require the POS to obtain easements in return for the services they perform at no charge."
The avigation easement is a legal document that, I guess, follows our property thru eternity. I hate to admit it but the POS recommended we consult an attorney before signing it.
How many recipients did? Not me! The Port does not represent a warrant that the homeowner will experience a reduction in the noise levels within the Premises as a result of work undertaken as part of the program.
On top of that, by signing the avigation easement, we have given the Port a permanent and non-exclusive easement for the free and unrestricted use and passage of all types of aircraft through the airspace or in the vicinity of the premises---etc, etc, etc,
Did any of us really read and/or comprehend those written words? I dug my copy "out of the past" and know the Port got a better deal then we did.
Virginia Dana