Underage Drinking Prevention: Town Hall Meeting to be held Apr 28
Thu, 04/08/2010
Hope Lutheran Church is partnering with Renae Gaines and the Southwest Healthy Youth Partnership to sponsor a Town Hall Meeting to address the subject of Underage Drinking on April 28 at Seattle Lutheran High School - 4141 41st Avenue SW. The meeting begins at 7PM.
Southwest Healthy Youth Partnership, in collaboration with the Federal Government's Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Prevention of Underage Drinking, is sponsoring the event. Parents, teachers, officials, youth, and other community members will be educated about the impact that underage drinking has on the community, and they will develop possible ways to address this issue.
This is one of many coalitions nationwide that are sponsoring community events in designed to raise awareness and find solutions to this growing concern.
According to the group, alcohol kills more youth than tobacco and illicit drugs combined. Regular alcohol use damages young brains: young drinkers’ score lower on vocabulary, general information, and memory recall.
The primary people behind the event are Renae T. Gaines - Strategic Prevention Framework - State Incentive Grant Community Coordinator (SPF-SIG) / Southwest Healthy Youth Partnership and Jeff Kranich, Director of Christian Education - Hope Lutheran Church