Six short films by students in the Ballard High School Video Production Program have been named Official Selections of the National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY).
The international festival opens at the Seattle Cinerama Theater on April 29 and continues through May 2 at the Seattle Center. It features 190 films by filmmakers age 22 and younger from 33 states and 16 countries.
The honored Ballard films are:
- "The Crumb" by Emily Deering, Karli Lafferty, Sarah Maloney and Taylor Rubright
- "Girl's Best Friend" by Georgia Peck, Elizabeth O'Laughlin and Madi Fowler
- "Gourmandizing" by Levi Friedman and Matthew Law-Phipps
- "Manimal" by Levi Friedman, Matthew Law-Phipps, Esther Magasis and Ryan Zemke
- "Reflection" by Sheridan Koehler and Blair Scott
- "The Umbrella" by Parker Davis, Kaelan Gilman and Henry Shenk
"The Umbrella" was further honored by being selected for the opening night screening at the Cinerama.
Between them, these shorts have previously been honored by the Young People's Film & Video Festival, the Images of Youth Video Festival and the international Festival do Rio.
NFFTY itself is the brainchild of Ballard High School video alumnus Jesse Harris. Harris made history in 2004 when "Living Life," the feature film he had written and directed as a senior project, was purchased by FilmMates and given a theatrical release.
Prizes are awarded by a jury of industry professionals. Last year, Ballard High School video students won the Jury Prize for Best Documentary Film over college competition.
However, like the Sundance Film Festival, NFFTY includes forums on filmmaking in addition to screenings and awards. Admission to these forums is free of charge with a festival pass.
For a complete schedule of events, show times and ticket information, visit
For more information on the Ballard High School Video Production Program, click here.