Holy Rosary expresses thanks to Safeway
Left to right (top photo) Kiana, Amy Hill of Safeway, Katie, and Eastyn
Tue, 04/20/2010
Holy Rosary School in West Seattle honored Safeway for their generous contributions with special presentations to store managers recently. Children from Holy Rosary presented Jefferson Square store manager Dave Dupuy with a certificate, thanking him for the generous contributions contributed with his help to the children at Holy Rosary. The same was presented to Amy Hill, manager at the Admiral Safeway.
At Holy Rosary School, Safeway eScrip directly supports the greatest needs. eScrip contributes to our operating budget which helps keep tuition affordable for all families, compensates our faculty and staff at a just and equitable salary, and continuously improves the learning opportunities for our students.
Holy Rosary earned nearly $5000. in the Safeway eScrip program in 2009. The Safeway eScrip program is a free program that makes contributions to Holy Rosary based on grocery purchases. There is no cost to consumers. Donations from Safeway are calculated as a percentage of total monthly grocery purchases from each registered eScrip participant. The eScrip program delivers marketing programs that bring retailers, manufacturers and service providers forward in support of education of youth. To date, the eScrip program has generated more than $200 million in merchant contributions to schools and organizations across the country.
To learn more about the eScrip program, or to support a local school in your area, visit www.escrip.com.