Friends of Sunset Substation requested Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Fund money to continue planning for a power-generating park at this former substation site. Five other groups requested funding for Ballard parks this month as well.
Supporters of six Ballard-area park projects requested funding from the city's Parks and Green Spaces Levy Opportunity Fund when applications were due April 2.
The Opportunity Fund provides funding for the development or acquisition of parks. There is up to $7 million available citywide in the first funding cycle of the Opportunity Fund.
The East Ballard Community Association requested $1.1. million to create a linear park boulevard on 14th Avenue Northwest between Northwest 59th Street and Northwest 62nd Street.
Groundswell NW asked for $200,000 to create a street-end park on 24th Avenue Northwest. According to the application, the park would improve the quality of urban living as well as improving water quality and natural drainage systems.
The Monkey Puzzle Neighborhood Group requested $380,000 for the acquisition of land at 5801 28th Ave. N.W. to create a children's garden.
An unofficial group of neighbors wants $1.2 million to acquire three vacant parcels of land between 607 N.W. 65th St. and 615 N.W. 65th St. for a neighborhood park.
Friends of Sunset Substation asked for $287,000 to continue planning a solar power-generating park on City Light-owned property at the corner of Northwest 65th Street and 32nd Avenue Northwest behind Ristorante Picolinos.
Finally, North Central Little League requested $235,000 to improve the playing
conditions at Ross Park by adding a fence, bullpens, new grass, a batting cage and a synthetic field and improving drainage for the playfield at 4320 Fourth Ave. N.W.
In May, supporters of the projects will present their proposals to the Levy Citizens Oversight Committee. There will be a public hearing on the projects in July.
The oversight committee has a set of criteria for evaluating projects that can be viewed here.
Funding recommendations will be made to the mayor and city council in September, and the city council will make its recommendations in December.