Normandy Park residents object to cell tower
Normandy Park residents gather at City Hall to discuss a proposed cell phone tower to be built nearby.
Mon, 05/10/2010
The City of Normandy Park is facing opposition from citizens over the potential construction of a cell tower at City Hall Park.
Clearwire Communications has submitted an application for a conditional use permit to construct a 95-foot monopole wireless tower at 801 SW 174th St.
Some citizens are upset over this due to what they consider a lack of notice.
On May 2, concerned citizens held a meeting to discuss the issues they have with the tower, which is proposed between the basketball court and next to the bathrooms at the park. This would be within view of many homeowners near the site.
The general consensus is that the tower would be "an eyesore."
Also at the meeting was Mayor George Hadley, who said he attended upon invitation and to listen to what citizens had to say in regards to the tower.
City Manager Doug Schulze told Clearwire, he says, that they should conduct a neighborhood survey to get the opinions of the citizens.
However many at the meeting say they were not informed of the proposed plans.
Normandy Park sent out notification to residents within 500 feet of the proposed tower and posted a notice in the local grocery store, Schulze said.
"The first public notice was published in the April 16 issue of The Highline Times," said Schulze.
This would be the proper notice required by law.
"Clearwire approached us about nine months ago," Schulze said, "with an inquiry about installing a tower in Normandy Park."
There were several locations considered for the wireless tower. According to Clearwire, Marvista Park and the Mill Creek Treatment Facility were not appropriate locations.
Meeting participants were concerned about lack of information provided by Clearwire as to why these other sites do not work. The list of reasons is roughly a paragraph long, whereas many would have preferred actual reports stating why these other locations could not work.
Katie Taylor, a lifelong Normandy Park resident, was one of the initiators of the meeting, is greatly concerned about this tower.
Taylor says nobody aside from those within 500 feet were directly informed and says when she spoke to new City Planner Chad Tibbits, he claimed it did not appear any citizens had issue with the proposal. She says this seemed so because not enough were notified.
Taylor also says no one who uses the facilities on site were notified-- "not the Little League that use the ball parks and not the preschool."
Also on site are a dance school and Tai Kwan Do school.
Many other citizens use the park, says Taylor. "This is our neighborhood park."
Other concerns stated by residents at this meeting included health concerns over radio frequency emissions, the devaluing of properties within sight of the tower, noise pollution from the "humming" sounds wireless towers can cause.
As to the health concerns of the tower, the federal government regulates this and because the emissions from the tower would meet the standards set by the federal government, Normandy Park officials cannot inquire about them.
The wireless tower proposed by Clearwire has not yet been approved. A meeting to either approve or deny the tower is scheduled for May 26 and the hearing examiner will make the final decision.