Support BLT
Mon, 05/17/2010
Burien Little Theatre has just completed its 29th season. It was a great season, made possible with the help of countless volunteers!
Live theatre requires three things: space, lots of space; volunteers willing to give up weekends, evenings and days to make the magic happen; and money, lots of money; money from ticket sales only covers a portion of the cost of production, and financial support from many benefactors is essential. (BLT is not part of the city Burien. BLT is an independent non-profit (501(c)(3)) organization.)
Burien Little Theatre is part of the suburban fringe movement in American theater. It produces the highest quality live productions. It takes many people working hard to produce better live theater for the enjoyment of BLT's audiences.
But BLT does more for Burien than simply produce better live theater for the residents of Burien. It brings people to Burien, some from as close as Des Moines, Renton, Bellevue and Kirkland, but many from even further away. These people shop and eat in Burien. BLT surveys show that 82.1 percent of BLT patrons eat or drink before or after the performance.
For 29 seasons, Burien Little Theatre has entertained Burien and supported the city's financial wellbeing. In September BLT will begin its 30th consecutive season at what is now the "old" Burien Community Center. Pease stop in and catch a show in September.
Until then, look for Burien Little Theatre at Burien's Wild Strawberry Festival and 4th of July Parade. Email,, call, 206-242-5180, or stop by at BLT's booth at the Wild Strawberry Festival and volunteer to become part of the fun as BLT turns 30!
Eric Dickman
Artistic Director
Maggie Larrick
Managing Director
Burien Little Theatre