Tiffany Silver-Brace is the motivating force behind a brand new market in West Seattle, The Highland Park Sunday Market.
The first vendors will offer fresh eggs (laid by Highland Park hens), fresh sourdough bread and sourdough starter, fresh herbs, handmade clothing, jewelry, pillows, napkins, t-shirts, onesies, photographic prints and note cards, hand-etched pint glasses, paintings, hand-dyed yarn and roving, and cat toys.
Silver-Brace said, "I am waiting to hear from some local farmers that are very interested, as well as a couple of local charities selling plants and starts to raise funds for their causes."
Future vendors will offer soaps and oils, pickles, kettle corn, fresh dips and spreads and hand-blown glass.
In the spirit of keeping things local all of the vendors are West Seattle residents.
Her inspiration was like the age old question, which came first the chicken or the egg? In her case it was the chicken. "I started thinking about the market," she said, "because I keep chickens and was selling eggs to my neighbors. It was so much fun seeing the community react to fresh and local products. I attended a community rummage sale in the Highland Park Improvement Club parking lot and it dawned on me that this community had no real market options within walking distance. I met with the HPIC and we spread the word a bit, and the community seemed so excited about it I felt like it just needed to happen. The level of support has been astounding! I am proud to live in this community where so many people value local, fresh, handmade items."
The market will run from June 27 through August 29 (no market on July 4) every Sunday from 9 AM to 1 PM at the Highland Park Improvement Club located at 1116 S.W. Holden Street.
If you are a vendor interested in selling at the Market contact .