Contestants in City’s latest Biggest Loser Competition drop 308 lbs
Fri, 06/25/2010
Ten weeks of concentrated effort paid off for two local residents as they topped the leader board as the “Biggest Losers” in the Federal Way Community Center’s popular contest.
The winner: Steve Acklam, who lost 37.5 pounds and 16.45% of his body weight.
He won a $250 gift certificate which can be used toward a Community Center pass, personal training sessions or a future Biggest Loser competition. Coming in second was Susan Stone, losing 23 pounds and 12.85% of body weight. She is the recipient of a $125 gift
The contest ran from April 12 through June 18, with 25 participants who lost a combined 308 pounds - an average of 12.33 pounds per person.
Fitness and Athletic Coordinator Kimberly Shelton guided the competition with the assistance of four trainers who led teams during the course of the event: Chris Knight, J. Bowman, Gail Cuthbert and Eva Rasor. All will be back for the launch of the Fall 2010 Biggest Loser program on Sept. 13.
The Biggest Loser contest offers team workouts, weekly group weigh-ins, before and after fitness testing, a nutrition lecture with a registered dietician, and a team t-shirt. Not to mention a chance to change your lifestyle for the better.
Since 2008, the competition has helped 228 Federal Way area residents lose a combined 2,885 pounds.
For more information, contact Kimberly Shelton, Fitness and Athletic Coordinator, Federal Way Community Center, 253.835.6932.