UPDATED SLIDESHOW : American Legion Grand Parade hot & loud
Thu, 07/22/2010
The 77th Annual West Seattle American Legion Grand Parade held on Saturday, July 24 beginning at 11:00 am was hot, sunny, and punctuated with loud booms set off by the Seafair Pirates. Grand Marshall's for the event were West Seattle's own well known radio and podcast personalities Marty Riemer and Jodi Brothers.
Riemer said, "Jodi and I are truly humbled by this honor. And that's saying something because you walk around for a day with the title Grand Marshall attached to your name and it gets hard to be humble. Like Supreme Leader. Thank you, West Seattle!"
The grand parade featuring 78 entries began in the Admiral District and headed south down California Ave SW for 1.5 miles from Lander Street to Edmunds Street. A U.S. Coast Guard helicopter from Air Station Port Angeles flew down the parade route as it got underway.
JP Patches, All City Schools and Kennedy Marching Bands, Floats from Marysville and The Daffodil Festival float, the Seafair Pirates, Seafair Clowns, Chinese Community Girls Drill Team and the exciting Vancouver Police Motorcycle drill team appeared.
New this year was the Pacific Northwest Drumline. The Daffodil Festival entry was back this year after missing some years due to scheduling conflicts caused by other commitments and the needs of Seafair. Another scheduling issue was avoided when the Seafair Pirates who are also in a parade in Renton on Saturday will come in toward the end of the parade in West Seattle.
Parade Co-ordinator Jim Edwards said, "We will pretty much have something going on up and down California Avenue at 11:00 am."
At 10:30 am the Seattle Police began, rolling from Lander Street and at 10:45 the Vancouver Police followed.
The West Seattle Rotary Club is in charge of the Kiddie's Parade which began at the same time but more than a mile south near California Avenue and Genesee Street and finished in the Junction.
Here's an alphabetical list of who you saw in the grand parade this year:
1942 American La France Fire Engine
34th District Democrats
Alki Spud Fish & Chips Mascot - Mr. Spud
American Legion Commander
American Legion President
Amin Events
Art-Gloria Peters - WWII Korea Veterans
Baby Dangerette's Drill Team
Baby Dolls Drill Team
Bill & Cynthia Ried/John L Scott Westwood & JP Patches
Chinese Community Girls Drill Team
Daffodil Festival "Carousel of Spring"
Daystar Retirement Village
Electronettes Jasslyn Diva's Drill Team & Drum Squad
Electronettes Pretty Girls Drill Team
Evergreen Tang Soo Do
Ft. Lewis Honor Guard
Girl Scouts Chinook Service Unit #550
Grandpa's Toys
Hadlock's Towing
Holy Rosary West Fest
Hope Lutheran Church - Gospel Outreach
Joe Ross & the Birdwatchers with Sister Kate Dance Team
Kennedy Catholic High School Marching Band
Keystone Kops
Kiwanis with Lt. Governor
Lady Dangerette's Drill Team
Lake City Vigilantes
Last Resort Fire Department
Lincoln Towing's "Pink Toe Truck"
Luna Park Café
Mac McElroy, 34th district independent
Marysville Strawberry Festival
Mike Heavey for 34th District State Representative
Miss Seafair 2009 & 2010 Scholorship Program Participants
Orville Rummel Winner - WS Blog
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & School
Pacific NW Drumline
Parade Grand Marshal -
Pathfinder K-8 Unicycle Team
PCC Natural Markets Kid Picks Mobile
Pencil Me In For Kids
Platinum Plush Drill Team - Jr
Platinum Plush Drill Team - Sr
Port Orchard Fathoms of Fun Royalty
Ronald McDonald
Seattle Fire Department - Engine 29
Seattle Lutheran High School Cheer Team
Seattle Lutheran Schools PK-12
Seattle Police Motorcycle Drill Team
Seattle Schools All-City Marching Band
Seattle Seafair Clowns
Seattle Seafair Commodores
Seattle Seafair Pirates
Senior Center of West Seattle
Southwest Athletic Club
Stuff the Bus
Super Steppers Marching Team
Sweet Mahogany Drill Team
The Dolls Drill Team
Vancouver Police Motorcycle Drill Team
VFW Commander
West Seattle Hi-Yu Candidates
West Seattle Boy Scouts/Cub Scouts
West Seattle Family Zone
West Seattle Food Bank
West Seattle Hi-Yu Float
West Seattle Lions
West Seattle Montessori
West Seattle Sportsmen's Club
WS Friend to Friend Volunteer Program