Airport Way South Viaduct Open House on July 28
Mon, 07/26/2010
If you ever take the Airport Way Viaduct over the railroad yard in south Seattle you will want to attend an open house about it's impending closure early next year. The Open House is Wednesday night and SDOT has released the infomation below and posted a page on its site about the project.
The SDOT Press release:
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) invites the public to an open house to provide an update on project design and to share construction plans for the Airport Way South Viaduct over the Argo Railroad Yard:
Date: Wednesday, July 28
Time: 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Location: Seattle Design Center, 5701 Sixth Avenue S
As a principal arterial and one of several heavily traveled freight routes in the area, the bridge has experienced significant distress because of large loads and high traffic volumes. Early next year SDOT will begin work to replace the existing timber approaches (raised roadways at each end), and rehabilitate and seismically retrofit the main span of the structure.
The viaduct will be closed to all traffic for 12 to 14 months. A complete closure will shorten the duration of the project and simplify construction. While a partial closure was considered, it would extend the project length to 22 to 24 months and allow only one lane of travel most times. A partial closure also makes the project more expensive to complete and poses safety challenges. Alternate routes, depending on the destination, will be East Marginal Way S, First Avenue S, Fourth Avenue S or I-5.
SDOT is currently working closely with businesses and community groups, as well as transportation agencies and other nearby construction projects to coordinate the work. The department will continue to involve the public in the final design, pre-construction and construction phases of the project.
This project is necessary to maintain a safe and reliable transportation corridor, and is part of the Bridging the Gap transportation initiative approved by Seattle voters.