Orphan Relief and Rescue moves its headquarters from Burien from Texas and holds a public open house Sept. 1.
Orphan Relief and Rescue Open House Wed. Sept. 1, 2010 4pm - 8pm 1416 SW 151 St. Burien.
Orphan Relief and Rescue (ORR) invites you to an Open House as they celebrate moving their headquarters from Texas to Burien, Washington. Orphan Relief and Rescue is a voice with action for orphans and vulnerable children in West Africa that no one else will help. The organization is currently serving 22 orphanages in Liberia and Benin, with a vision to expand throughout Africa.
Please come and enjoy a social time of fun, friends and food, and welcome Orphan Relief and Rescue to the Greater Seattle community.
Everyone is invited. What? Meet and Greet! Contact Rebecca Pratt, co-founder and VP of Programs, if you have any questions. Cell: 903-343-4061 Office: 206-453-3158
According to their material, ORR is a faith-based organization. "ORR also cracks down on child abuse and trafficking by identifying directors that selfishly use children as a source of personal income and food. After finding such an establishment, Orphan Relief and Rescue cooperates with the local government to ensure such orphanages are closed down and the children are placed in a safe environment.
Orphan Relief and Rescue’s caring staff are first-responders, working to bring derelict orphanages up to livable standards without creating dependency. The model for success is an orphanage in which the children receive love, education and discipline with a minimum of outside aid.
Comprehensive, holistic programs from emergency food and medical relief to construction, micro-enterprise loans, and mentorship give children hope for a healthy future. Over 1000 children have benefited from Orphan Relief and Rescue’s programs through a field team of seven international staff and 30 nationals, and seven local staff here in America."