Political correctness at its worst
Mon, 08/30/2010
Recently, the controversy of the mosque in NYC has been front-page news and arguments on both sides have been made and continue to be.
My opinion is that this is PC at its worst, exemplified by the comments of Mr. Obama and the comments of NYC's PC mayor, Mr. Bloomberg.
One forgets the conniving he did to run for another term and his picking and choosing which laws he will obey as NY is a sanctuary city and he will not cooperate with ICE on illegals.
Mr. Obama talks about religious tolerance as fundamental in the USA, but let's hear him lecture those colleges and universities who cannot accept a different opinion on another PC subject and that is homosexuality, but make students go through "reeducation" or be kicked out of the college or their program.
Back to the mosque. Recently in Germany, a mosque in Hamburg was raided by the police and shut down, after which computers and files were removed and found to contain terrorist-related material.
This was the mosque that harbored/trained about three of the 9/11 attackers and planned the attack.
And the Germans are looking at other mosques. It appears that the Europeans are now waking up to the results of "tolerance" and unfettered immigration from Muslim countries.
Let us also have less "tolerance" about our southern border as expressed by the nonsense of this administration in DC and enforce the laws and elect honorable people to office from the White House on down.
Phil Stanat
Des Moines