The Ballard Pool, Ballard Community Center and Loyal Heights Community Center, as well as all other city pools, community centers, environmental learning centers, business service centers and more, will be closed Oct. 8 as part of Seattle Parks and Recreation's furlough day.
City of Seattle employees are taking 10 days off without pay in 2010 to help fill the budget gap. Seattle Parks and Recreation has worked hard to schedule furlough days in a way that has the smallest possible impact on customers and that provides as much coverage as possible, according to a Parks press release.
These facilities and services are closed Oct. 8:
- Grounds maintenance.
- Community centers (except child care and late night programs, which will still operate).
- Swimming pools.
- Environmental Learning Centers.
- Lifelong Recreation (except Food and Fitness programs, which will still operate).
- Business Service Center.
These facilities and services are closed Oct. 11:
- Administrative offices (communications, correspondence, Park Board support, web management, public outreach, human resources, finance and administration).
- Planning and Development Division.
- Magnuson Park office.
These facilities will operate normally:
- Golf courses.
- Special Events Scheduling.
- Amy Yee Tennis Center.
Youth Violence Prevention Initiative sites, also known as Extended Hours Program sites, will furlough on Oct. 6.