Maddie is a land loving Portugese Water Dog. She's not really a watch dog, "She's more likely to lick someone than bark at them, " said her owner Kim Kerwin.
2 year old Maddie is a Portugese Water Dog, just like one President Obama owns, who belongs to Kim Kerwin. Maddie is from a breeder on Lopez Island in the San Juans and is a pure bred. Her name is short for Madeleine which Kerwin explained is a wine named Madeleine Angevine made on the Island.
Why a water dog? "I am a neat freak and they don't shed, and they are supposed to be good for allergies," said Kerwin.
Maddie loves her Pro Plan dry dog food and loves to chew on "indestructible bones" Kerwin said, "They are really good. She has a ton of those around the house."
Her sleep habits are worthy of note because she, "sleeps right on top of the pillows," Kerwin explained, "right next to your head. She just likes to be with us." This means of course that she keeps the same hours as her owners, rising and resting at the same time.
Kerwin said, "I was working for Washington Mutual and I got laid off, which is part of why we decided to get the dog when we did. The breeder was on her way to California and she called me. The timing wasn't perfect but she said, 'We're here right now.' I hung up the phone and talked to my husband and he said, you know what? I think I'd rather go with this dog rather than wait for one to be bred and born in a couple of months. So I called her back said, 'We'd like to see it,' which of course means you're going to take the dog. They were down by Tacoma and turned around and we met them at a highway weigh station near Federal Way."
When the family takes Maddie for a walk however, she doesn't go swimming, even though she's a water dog. a water dog does Maddie swim? "She's not that into the water," Kerwin said, " We take her out in the boat and she will just sit on the side and look at us."
How to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week:
Want to nominate your pet for Pet of the Week? Stop by the VCA West Seattle Animal Hospital at 5261 California Ave. S.W. and just ask for a form. A nomination is not a guarantee of appearance and your name and photo may appear in our newspaper and online.
Photos may or may not be used and our "Pet Reporter" may be in touch with you to arrange to take a photo. Pets nominated will be chosen on the basis of uniqueness of the pet and the quality of the story and information submitted.