Bridge is better
Mon, 10/11/2010
(Editor's Note: The following letter was sent to Seattle City Council President Richard Conlin, concerning his signing the Alaskan Way deep-bore tunnel project's supplemental environmental impact statement, with a copy to the Times/News.)
Your signing of the Tunnel Document may be grounds for recall if you did not have an open meeting majority of the City Council approving your signature.
As an example, Port Commissioner Pat Davis, a close friend of Commissioner Paige Miller, signed off a pay raise for Port Manager Mic Dinsmore as a parting gift without the written approval of the majority of the Port Commission. The State Auditor nailed her on that; a recall action started and the Court ruled that if recalled, she would loose her office.
A suspension bridge similar to the one in Tacoma, next to the Tacoma Dome could be an eye-pleasing alternative. The first time the suspension bridge was considered it was turned down by the state due to patent difficulties. The Highline Times reported that those difficulties had been cleared up.
Dan Caldwell
Des Moines