A man dressed as a zombie hands out candy in Ballard on Halloween last year.
Seattle Parks and Recreation dishes up some ghoulish fun for Halloween. Here's where to celebrate around Ballard.
Ballard Community Center
6020 28th Ave. N.W.
Halloween Carnival
Join us for a fright fest of activities games and challenges, including an area for tots. Complementary refreshments will be available. This event is for children 10 years old and younger. High school students can get volunteer community service hours by helping at this event.
Friday, Oct. 29, 6 - 8 p.m.
Activity Fee: $3 per person; $10 per Family
Green Lake Community Center
E. Green Lake Drive N.
Pumpkin Flashlight Hunt
Rain or shine, come and hunt for coins and candy outside near the Green Lake Community Center! Arrive no later than 6:45 p.m. at the gym. Bring your own bag to collect goodies and a flashlight to hunt with. Please wear appropriate clothing for the weather. Come in costume, and bring a friend! Kids will be separated into age-appropriate groups. This event is for ages children ages 4 - 11
Friday, Oct. 22, 7 - 8p.m.
Activity Fee: Free
Loyal Heights Community Center
2101 N.W. 77th St.
KUBE 93 Haunted House
What would Halloween be without a good scare? Beware of goblins, ghouls, and other various undead creatures hiding in corners just waiting to freak you out! Don't forget to bring an extra pair of skivvies.
Friday, Oct. 15, 7 - 10 p.m.
Activity Fee: $7 per person