Keep Normandy Park city manager from running amok
Tue, 10/26/2010
Attention: Normandy Park residents
It appears that we too, like our Northern California neighbors, have a city manager who is out of control.
He is pursuing the not publicized Manhattan Village Project (MVP,), which will require the condemnation of several single-family dwellings to revise the shopping center and provide access to Nist Park. The homeowners affected have made it clear that their property is not available for this purpose.
Armed with this knowledge, the city manager continues to pursue MVP with ill-gained grant money.
Normandy Park was founded and has always been a city of single-family dwellings with few business elements.
Do we want to change this philosophy and allow another city manager run amok? Your home may be the next target. Check it out!
Gerry Osgood
Normandy Park