Tweetup -Drink for Pink raises money and awareness
At the Tweetup and fundraiser were from left Brionne Corbray, Auburn Scallon, Allison Rose, Lisa Dawson, Mike Barbre, Nancy McManus, Cheryl Richmond, Dave Danzer, Denice Rochelle, Pam Corbray and at center Tracy Dart.
Thu, 10/28/2010
West Seattle on Social Media, the brainchild of Nancy McManus, in cooperation with Tracy Dart and Team Tracy held a combo event on Thursday Oct. at Endolyne Joe's mixing a fundraising and awareness event for breast cancer research with a Tweetup for area Twitter users and others interesting in social media.
The breast cancer component was assisted by Endolyne Joe's donating a dollar for every pink cosmopolitan cocktail sold (the promotion was called Drink for Pink) resulting in dozens sold both at the event and in the restaurant cocktail lounge.
The tweetup had some lively conversation about the value of Twitter as a communications tool and how others are using it and other software tools on the desktop and in mobile devices to improve their communication skills.
This event was sponsored by Swedish Hospital, WSSM, QuallyQue, Team Tracy, and Endolyne Joe's.