Any Ballardites with an interest in trees – how to plant more of them or how to remove the ones they have without being fined – will want to make time for an upcoming neighborhood meeting.
Groundswell NW is inviting residents to an educational meeting about the Seattle Tree Policy at 7 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Sunset Room of the Ballard Community Center, located at 6020 28th Ave. N.W.
The meeting will feature Brennon Staley, the sustainable community planner for the Seattle Department of Planning and Development, and Sandra Pinto de Bader, urban forest program manager for the Office of Sustainability and Environment.
Staley works on developing policy and regulations focusing on environmentally critical areas, tree regulations, single family zoning and sustainable communities.
De Bader is responsible for coordinating city-wide implementation of the Urban Forest Management Plan and managing the Seattle ReLeaf campaign.
They will discuss proposals to revise existing regulations governing the preservation, removal and planting of trees on private property, both during development and outside of it, in order meet the goals of the Urban Forest Management Plan and other city-wide goals.
This presentation will also discuss the city's overall strategy to expand its canopy cover and increase the health of its urban forest.
For more information, contact Andrea Faste, president of Groundswell NW, at 206.783.6963.