Highline Water District workers draining water out of the hole where a 12 inch water main broke.
A water main break early this morning in Des Moines flooded several houses and now leaves residents in the area without water while the Highline Water District works to fix the break.
The Water District said they expect to have the water back on by 5 p.m. tonight. About 20 houses connected to the main have their water turned off while the break in the main is fixed.
The water main is 12 inches in diameter, one of the larger pipes used in the district. The largest pipe used in the district is 30 inches in diameter.
According to the Highline Water District a call came in a 6:20 this morning reporting a water main break at 226 St. and 16 Ave. in Des Moines.
Water line breaks are not completely uncommon, happening a couple times a year. Most breaks are caused by construction workers breaking a pipe when they are digging.
Water District officials do not know the cause of the break for this pipe.