The Duwamish River is a Superfund Site, and cleanup measures are in the works. This view of the river looks south toward the former South Park Bridge. Boeing Plant-2 is behind the left side of the remaining bridge, and is slowly being demolished, it's shoreline to be replaced with a wildlife habitat.
Duwamish River Cleanup Coalition Press Release:
Attend one of the upcoming Public Meetings:
December 7, 5:30–8:00 p.m. – Spanish/English Bilingual Public Meeting at Concord Elementary School, 723 S. Concord Street in South Park. Open House, Brief Presentation, & Activities. Child care, food, and Spanish interpretation provided.
December 9, 3:30–8:00 p.m. – Afternoon (3:30-5:30) and Evening (5:30-8pm) Sessions available! At South Seattle Community College - Duwamish Campus, 6737 Corson Avenue S. in Georgetown. Food and Vietnamese interpretation provided.
Draft Duwamish River Cleanup Alternatives are out for public review:
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) have released a draft study of cleanup alternatives for the Lower Duwamish River. Past and present activities have left a legacy of chemical pollution in the river and in the sediment (mud at the bottom). This pollution comes from many sources, including industries along the river and stormwater runoff from upland activities, streets, and roads.
The Draft Feasibility Study describes a wide range of river cleanup options. It is being prepared by the Lower Duwamish River Group (LDWG) – Boeing, King County, the City of Seattle, and the Port of Seattle. It has been released to EPA, and to you, the community, for review and public comment.
To view or download our assessment of the study, created with DRCC/TAG’s Technical Advisors, click:
You have a voice in determining how our river gets cleaned up. Please share your comments with us: or 206-954-0218.
Let us know if you’d like DRCC/TAG to make a presentation to your community organization, business, or group about the alternatives and the upcoming Duwamish River cleanup.