Reminder: Christmas Ships coming again to West Seattle
The Argosy Cruises Christmas Ships™ are coming to areas around Seattle again and West Seattle is among their stops. They are coming to Lowman Beach, Don Armeni Boat Ramp, Alki Beach, and Seacrest Marina. See the story for the scheduled times.
Tue, 12/07/2010
From Argosy Cruises:
The Argosy Christmas Ship™ festival is a holiday celebration that has been a Northwest tradition for 61 years. Its main purpose is to bring communities together to celebrate the holiday season. From our flotilla of ships to the crowds of people who gather onshore, this celebration is one of the gems of the holiday season.
Each night, through December 23rd, 2010 the Argosy Christmas Ship™ sails to different Puget Sound waterfront communities, over 45 in total. Choirs onboard sing 20-minute performances to these communities, all broadcast via state-of-the-art speaker system. This year, we are beginning the program on Saturday night, November 27 to help commemorate the new South Lake Union Park.
On shore, thousands of people gather around roaring bonfires anticipating the arrival of the Christmas Ship™. You can either join us on board the Christmas Ship™ or one of the Parade ships that follow, or join with friends and neighbors to gather together for your own caroling tradition. If you own your own boat, feel welcome to add lights to you vessel and join in the festival and help form the largest holiday floating parade in the world!
CHOIR: Soundwave
Don Armeni Boat Ramp
According to Rebecca J Hall of Seattle Parks via Facebook:
Seattle Parks and Recreation will be providing bonfires and refreshments at the Christmas ship stop and on Monday High Point CC staff will be at Don Armeni Boatramp - note that for years this location has been on a Sunday so this is a change in day of the week.