Two West Seattle residents named among Denny Award Winners
Wed, 12/08/2010
From the Seattle Parks Department:
Seattle Parks and Recreation announced the winners of the 2010 Annual Denny Awards for Outstanding Volunteer Stewardship at a ceremony on December 7 in the Lake Union Park Armory. The winners are a cross-section of Seattle’s most tenacious, creative and hard-working volunteers who donate precious time and energy to improving Seattle’s parks and programs.
“It is always difficult for us to choose winners,” said Acting Superintendent Christopher Williams. “All of our volunteers make valuable contributions for which we are deeply grateful. Our intention is to single out those who whose work builds community, inspires others, and improves lives.”
The two West Seattle people included in the awards were:
Up and Coming Youth Award
Natalie “Wolfy” Whithan, Hiawatha Community Center Teen Council
At just 17, Natalie is already making a big impact in her community. She is a member of the Hiawatha Community Center Teen Council and the Youth Engaged in Service program. She has helped the center create more organized office systems, reshaped the Teen Advisory Council, designed colorful bulletin boards that highlight the teen program, led younger youth in fun activities, and ran special events at both the Hiawatha and Southwest community centers. She is a bright light to those around her.
Associated Recreation Council Volunteer of the Year Award
Darrell Glover, Alki Community Center Advisory Council
Darrell not only helps lead the center with important policy and monetary decisions through his work on the advisory council, but he also rolls up his sleeves to help out for special events. He advertises events to businesses, parents, and friends before the event; sets up tables, passes out equipment, and supports staff during the event; then takes out trash, sweeps up afterwards, and ensures the work is done before going home himself.
To see the complete list of award winners see the Seattle Parks Parkways site:…