West Seattle-raised professional photographer, Jim Nilsen, offers a photo tour of Tuscany, Italy this May. He seeks others interested in joining the tour and capturing dramatic landscapes and architecture like this Tuscany country road.
Interested in grabbing your Nikon or Canon and getting your own angle of the Leaning Tower of Pisa? Photography Travel Tours is seeking adventurous shutter-bugs to join their idyllic Tuscany tour this spring.
Award-winning travel photographer and West Seattle High graduate, class of 74, Jim Nilsen, is conducting a nine-day photography tour and instructional workshop in Tuscany, Italy, this coming May. The tour is designed for photographers of any skill level who wish to improve their photographic skills while experiencing some amazing scenery.
Nilsen, a world traveler who now lives in Edmonds, has exhibited at art fairs and gift galleries throughout the region. His customers say his images of landscapes and architectural details are distinguished by their intense saturated colors and keen compositions.
The tour will begin on May 4 in Pisa, Italy. From Pisa, the group will drive by van to the Val d’ Orcia valley. They spend seven nights in the heart of this region in the medieval hill town of Pienza, chosen because of its proximity to several iconic Tuscan scenes. Within a short drive Nilsen says one can photograph cypress lined roads, enchanting farmhouses and chapels, medieval hill towns, and lush landscapes.
Nilsen's website boasts an array of crisp, colorful photos he has taken far-afield, from Greece to Guatemala.
Check it out at : http://www.jimnilsen.com
Also see: www.photographytraveltours.com
Or email him at: jim@jimnilsen.com