Darian Boyer, 13, a Denny Middle School student and Rainbow Girl, participates in a group activity involving hoop dresses at the Alki Masonic Hall where they meet. It seems her 4 year-old sister, Piper, pictured in pink boots, wants to join the fun but can't "officially" join Rainbow Girls until she turns 11.
The West Seattle Rainbow Girls hosted a membership drive party Sunday, Feb. 27, where they regularly meet, at the Alki Masonic Hall, 4736 SW 40th. The girls are gearing up for their car wash fundraiser Saturday, March 19, noon to 3:00 p.m. in the Masonic parking lot.
The International Order of Rainbow Girls began in 1922, then created for Masonic daughters and their friends, but today any girl ages 11-20 who is interested in joining Rainbow Girls is welcome. It is nondenominational.
"Rainbow is more about believing in yourself and following a good life, and being accepting of others," said Jan Fernandez-Hunter, "
Mother Advisor" of the West Seattle Assembly #18. Kala Broxey, 15, is their "Worthy Advisor." The 16 members of this assembly, and adult advisors, encourage others to join.
"It's a challenge to get girls to join things these days," Fernandez-Hunter acknowledged. "They have a lot of options like sports, girl scouts, and church youth groups. Girls sometimes have a hard time talking to their friends and getting them to come join. Also, we give our money away instead of keeping it. We can't distribute millions of flyers or display big poster boards in a line along an elementary school wall. I was a Rainbow girl in the late 70's early '80's. I truly believe I am the success I am today because of what Rainbow taught me."
Janet Boyer of Highland Park is a Rainbow board member. Her 13 year-old daughter, Darian, is a member and found out about Rainbow from another member and friend, Zoë Garoutze. Both belong to the Denny Middle School Marching Band and will play their clarinets during the St. Patrick's Day Parade downtown Saturday, March 12.
"Darian is new to Rainbow, and wanted to join because of her interest in community service," her mother said. "She's college bound in four years. That's one of her focuses, and she wanted to join a group outside school.
Darian's 4 year-old sister, Piper, piped in, "I'm joining Rainbow, too!"
For more information about joining Rainbow Girls please call Jan Fernandez-Hunter at: (206) 849-7906.