Japan's Miyagi Prefecture is home to the fishing ports of Shiogama, Ishinomaki, and Kesennuma - three ports with a long and valued relationship with the Port of Seattle. The ports, devastated by the earthquake and subsequent tsunami, have been "friendship ports" with Seattle since 1990, when a delegation visited the region to finalize the agreement.
"Miyagi is home to a fishing fleet, as is Seattle," said Commission President Bill Bryant. "Our hearts go out across the Pacific to those who share that honor and heritage and who are now suffering horrific losses."
The port will be sending a letter to the governor of the prefecture, offering that advice for rebuilding their fishing, container, and airport facilities.
Additionally, The Port of Seattle plans to host a memorial at Fisherman's Terminal for the victims in Miyagi and throughout Japan. Details for the candlelight service will be released soon.
The Port of Seattle and Japan have enjoyed a strong trading relationship since 1919, when the first NYK vessel called here. Currently, trade with Japan represents about 15% of cargo handled by the port.
In addition to support for the Miyagi ports, Port of Seattle commissioners and staff who wish to help are encouraged to offer personal financial donations via SeattleJapanRelief.com, a website created by a collaboration of Japanese American and Japan related cultural, educational, and civic organizations standing together to promote relief and recovery following the devastating earthquakes and tsunamis in Japan.