Normandy Park seeking catchy slogan, logo for t-shirts
Thu, 03/17/2011
The Normandy Park Arts Commission is sponsoring a contest for the best slogan and logo indicative to Normandy Park. Logo designs should be kept simple, limited to one color and the slogan short, original and catchy. No limit to number of entries per person.
Contest deadline is May 16th. Forms are available at City Hall, 801 SW 174th St., Normandy Park on the city's website and can be mailed or emailed upon request to or by calling 206-248-8248.
The Arts Commission will post the top logos and top slogans at the Arts Festival on Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th for judging by the public. The Arts Commission reserves the right to make the final selection, to slightly modify a submission and to use a combination of a logo and slogan entered by multiple candidates.
The winner or winners will receive a free T-shirt. Shirts will be sold from City Hall and on Sundays at Marvista Park during the Summer Concert Series