A forum, 'AMANDA KNOX: THE CASE FOR INNOCENCE' is scheduled for TODAY, Monday, April 4, at Seattle University. The public is encouraged to attend, say organizers. Free admission. Photos of panelists, top, L-R: Mark Waterbury, Candace Dempsey, Steve Moore, Tom Wright, Paul Ciolino.
UPDATE 2: Forum is THIS afternoon. Free event & public is invited.
UPDATE: The West Seattle Herald will try to videotape this event, then post. Thank you.
While the defense appeal of West Seattle-raised Amanda Knox is currently being heard in Perugia, Italy, a panel has been selected to present "The Case for Innocence” a forum open to the public, Monday, April 4, 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m., Pigott Auditorium, Seattle University. There is expected Q & A following the panel discussion.
The public is invited and the event is free.
The panel includes:
Thomas Wright, moderator, FriendsofAmanda.org
Candace Dempsey, journalist, author of Murder in Italy: The Shocking Slaying of a British Student, the Accused American Girl, and an International Scandal
Steve Moore, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Special Agent, 25 yrs, ret.
Mark Waterbury, author of Monster of Perugia: The Framing of Amanda Knox
Paul Ciolino, CBS News, “48 Hours”
The forum is sponsored by the B.A. in Film Studies Program, Seattle University
We will update as this event nears.