No foolin' yourself-get in shape
Wed, 03/30/2011
If there's anybody who can "fool" anyone, that would be us - foolin' ourselves. And we don't always wait for April 1st to get the fooling done.
While fooling can be in all good fun, sometimes the truth of human behavior is funny enough for a laugh.
After being weighed-in at my doctor's office I protested considerably, saying surely your scale needs an overhaul. There is no way I'm a few pounds heavier than a month ago, certainly not with all that fruit and vegetables daily. However, my complaint was quickly put to rest when another pass on the scale confirmed the first reading was correct.
Oooh -kay, so there were a few chocolates that tasted really good, and is there anything finer than a glass of good wine to wash them down? Of course not!
How in the heck is a gal in golden years supposed to get the best out of life if we can't kinda splurge once in a while? Well, maybe, more than once in a while.
Still there is exercise to help cope with overactive eating. Right?
Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld, a professor of medicine at New York Weil Hospital and author of several best selling books, wrote, "A daily work-out will raise your spirits. Exercise is the greatest tranquilizer of them all. It stimulates the brain to make more of its opioids (endorphins) - natural "happy hormones."
And if that isn't enough to get us up and into our tennis shoes running, or walking, as briskly as one can walk (at my tender age,) add a good partner for inspirational support.
The goal is get into shape, quit a bad habit and benefit by adopting a better attitude, such as liking ourselves more. Often, good activities are difficult to start and too easily stopped. Focus is the key, yet pushing too hard can create burnout &/or undesirable results.
One successful exerciser said he was out of shape for a long time, fearing he wouldn't fit in with exercise groups. Happily, he did just fine. Sure it's hard work, yet rewards are big creating more energy, mental alertness, travel, and socializing. People who like themselves can have lots more fun and are popular.
Attitude is contagious.
As for me, that's all a bit too much given I have a simple, less scientific, alternative solution to dedicated regular exercise that works for me. Get a nice little dog for a companion, (Mine is Miss Katrina) buy a condominium with the ingress/aggress gate about one-half block away from your front door, and keep your tennis shoes handy. You'll walk every day, ready or not. Even in the middle of the night when unexpected doggy-potty-calls challenge creative dressing with a padded parka hiding telltale signs of a nightgown.
Ah, but walking is good for the soul, makes our pooches happy, and does our body good, doesn't it? Yes and no, the doctor said.
While agreeing that walking is great exercise, the doctor added it must be done intensely to benefit the heart, circulation, bone mass, etc. Walking pooches that stop to smell every telephone pole doesn't cut the mustard. Darn!
Trainers suggest first developing a professional individual plan. Find a gym setting that's comfortable, conveniently located and try it for a short time. Is the workout program varied, fun interesting with desired amenities?
Then, don't expect accumulated fat to turn into muscle overnight. Do expect to like yourself lots better at the end of the day.
The American Cancer Society advises women to do a moderate to vigorous pace exercise at least 30 minutes, five days a week.
Being a good cook can sabotage dieting too. Who isn't temped by Mom's specialties or a magnificent juicy cheeseburger with lovely browned french fries?
Watching children in movement is a great fitness learning experience. Do they walk? No, they run. Sit still? No, they fidget. Get excited about life? You betcha! Put a swing set nearby and stand back while kids run full steam ahead!
So, this April Fool's Day -- between chocolates, delicious eating, and little or no exercise, perhaps we should remember that the one person we sure don't want to try to fool is ourselves.
Think smart, take action, and soon smile at your reflection in every window. No more-foolin' only ourselves! Happy April Fool's Day, for sure.
Today's Thought: "It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown." Keep smiling!