Reverse Dr. Rice decision
Tue, 04/05/2011
It is very disappointing news to see that Dr. Jim Rice has been barred from his many volunteer activities with Highline High School. Jim has been volunteering for about 30 years with the football team as a team doctor and also helping with the wrestling team.
What system would reject such wonderful, high quality volunteer help at a time when such help is very hard to find?
I was an assistant football coach for two years at Highline, and I can tell you that Dr Rice brought a unique blend of medical knowledge and football injury knowledge to the job. The kids greatly appreciated him, as did the coaches.
This decision reeks of bureaucracy, politics, and small mindedness on the part of those responsible. Jim Rice is a pillar of the community as well as an exceptional doctor and family man. How is it possible to turn away such talent and skill because of some obtuse technicality?
I can only hope the Highline District reverses the decision as soon as possible. I stand ready to testify on Jim's behalf at any time and place where I can help and would be needed.
Horace Parker