The tunnel violates our Washington State constitutional rights
Mon, 05/02/2011
We The People
Concerned Citizens
State of Washington
City of Seattle
This letter is being written because our Washington Constitutional rights are being violated by our State and City Officials regarding a deep bore tunnel to nowhere. The deep bore tunnel is no more than a multi-billion dollar bypass. This tunnel serves very little mobility to our community and cannot compare with the feasible, prudent alternative which already exists. We the people believe the tunnel option for SR 99 Highway is illegal in accordance with the Washington Constitution, ARTICLE II legislature and powers where vested and the Federal Department of Transportation policy (4f) papers. Be it known the voters in a March 2007 casted a 70% negative no tunnel option to replace the Alaskan Way Viaduct. The State and the City are pushing forward the deep bore tunnel project against the will of the people at a cost we cannot afford. There are too many risks and unknowns involved in this tunnel project and must be stopped now. The tunnel would be constructed under landfill and under a historic section of our city. A historic Federal building could be damaged during construction. We feel a retrofit of the Alaskan Way Viaduct would be less costly and serve our future transportation needs of our city. Even more important, we the people reserve the right to vote on this magnitude of a cost to the people which the state and city are denying us.
Our State Constitution, Article II powers where vested state that the legislative body enact laws in which they did, however the law is said to be un-forcible. Article II states that the people reserve to themselves the power to propose bills, laws, and to enact or reject the same at the polls, independent of the legislature and also reserve power, at their own option to approve or reject at the polls any act, item, section, or any part of any bill, act, or law passed by the legislature. We firmly believe that article II gives us the right to vote on initiatives, and referendums. Our State and City are trying to deny us those rights. We need the Federal Government to intervene in this breach of the Washington State Constitution.
Guy Gallipeau
Citizen Against Tunnel
West Seattle