Lauren Petrie performing at a recent Kenyon Hall event. He will perform tonight at a dance held at the Senior Center of West Seattle. Public is invited, and bring a friend. Other events approach at the Center.
TONIGHT: 4 6:00 TO 8:30 PM Dance Time with Lauren Petrie in Hatten Hall at SCWS. Partner and line dancing.$5/$7. Celebrate with friends and Bring your own spirits and snacks - ice set up available.
Saturday May 7th, 2011. Help the Senior Center by attending this breakfast and Broadcast. )
Be part of a Live Radio Show Broadcast on KTTH AM 770 and ask questions .Fundraising Breakfast served 8:30-10:30 am, only $6 for omelets made to order, sausage/bacon, potatoes & beverage, (Breakfast Reservations requested 932-4044 x1. part of the LIVE RADIO SHOW BROADCAST from the Senior Center 10am—12pm. Come, ask your many questions about Elder Law, Estate Planning, Financial and Health Issues.This Opportunity is presented by Daystar Retirement Village and AgingOptions Care Management & Asset Preservation.
Tuesday May 10th:
A Salute to our Vets in observance of Memorial Day,
Date: Reservations please by vets and guests. – 206-932-4044
Sponsored by Faerland Terrace with a Chef‘s Special lunch 11:45am and entertainment by the Retros dancers. Free to all Vets and $5 for all others. Vets are encouraged to wear part of their uniform or all of it as worn by Bob Fox.
SAT. MAY 14 and SUN. MAY 15 from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm.
Duwamish dixieland jazz band plays FREE outside for Sounder Open House and Railroad show (admittance $5) at the Freighthouse Square Mall in Tacoma details Carol 206-571-7938
Here is the show’s website: