Zippy's Giant Burgers, successfully closed their Highland Park location, made the move to their new White Center location, got that space completely fitted out and decorated, got new signs up and were on track to open and satisfy thousands of hungry burger eaters's always something and in this case it was an inspection that involved a faulty fire alarm and suppression system for the whole building. That had to be fixed before the final health inspection.
Monkey Wrench #1. After waiting around all day for the plumber to fix the hot water heater he finally showed up at 4:30 with a quick fix. Yay hot water.
Monkey Wrench # 2. Electrician came out and made the fixes to please the inspector. One of things the inspector called out for a small cover plate that needs to be ordered and will take a few days to get. The electrician tried to contact the inspector to see if he'd sign off on the permit without this one minor detail. No call back from the inspector. He's going to call in for the inspection and hope for the best..
Monkey wrench #3. The pressure test for the fire suppression system got moved to tomorrow. There's was no one that could come out and do it today.
We think we can get the health inspection tomorrow afternoon…
Man alive.
UPDATE FROM Tuesday night May 10
Another day another couple of monkey wrenches.
Wrench #1. We didn't pass the electrical inspection. A minimum of two more days to get that ironed out.They will need to make the fixes tomorrow and then call in for the inspection on Thursday.
Wrench #2 .The hot water heater crapped out and needs to be fixed. The guys looking at this showed up many hours late so they weren't able to order the part. Health inspection for tomorrow will need to be cancelled. No hot water.
Tomorrow is a fresh new day
UPDATE FROM Tuesday morning May 10
Owner Blaine Cook shared the latest on how the inspection process has been going:
"Today the inspector is scheduled to come by and sign off on the electrical work.
Wednesday the inspector is scheduled to do the pressure test on the fire suppression system.
Wednesday final health inspection should happen.
If we’re lucky one of these beer disributors will come through in time.
Open Wednesday afternoon if we can get everything pulled together.
We may just wait until Thursday.
We've got a lot of prep to do and we might not be able to get it all done on wednesday??
Blaine aka Zippy"