In celebration of Ballard's green spaces, Groundswell NW features and celebrates a "Park of the Month" and the community around it. In June, the spotlight is on Salmon Bay Natural Area, its history and a new group forming to maintain it.
From Groundswell NW:
OK, it's not technically a park, in that it's not a Seattle Parks property. Instead it's a mix of the 34th Ave NW shoreline street end, Ballard rail spur right-of-way and five shoreline parcels purchased by Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) as part of their salmon recovery efforts. And June is a good month to go and try to spot juvenile salmon in the shallows below the overlook deck.
Those shallows are very important for young salmon who hit salt water for the first time as they spill through the flumes at the Locks. Dazed by the transition, they are very susceptible to predators and escape to the shallows where they adjust to the salt water. There they feast on daphnia fly larva who are also dazed by the transition, and build strength for the journey to the ocean.
It has been a year since we dedicated the Salish Welcome sculpture by Marvin Oliver that pays homage to the salmon. In that year, the steel base plates have been added and are developing a rich rusty patina, with adult salmon swimming upstream and juveniles swimming down.
Groundswell developed this natural area in partnership with SPU, and we've taken on the maintenance of the flatter upland areas, as well as the adjacent stretches of Seaview Avenue, NW 54th Street and the Burke Gilman Trail and . Thanks to a half dozen dedicated volunteers, we pulled a truckload of weeds in May, but there's more to do, so come join us for the workparty listed below. Or stop by anytime and look for the smolts below, the osprey nesting on the RR tower across the way, or the wide variety of wildlife that uses this verdant slice of undeveloped Ballard shoreline.
Salmon Bay Natural Area work party details
Please join us for a clean-up of the overlook area and adjacent stretches of NW 54th St., Seaview Ave NW and the Burke Gilman Trail. We'll provide tools, food and drink - just bring work clothes and gloves. All ages welcome.
Location: 34th Ave NW streetend, just south of NW 54th St. (west end of The Canal parking lot)
Time and date: Sunday, June 26, 9 a.m.- noon.
Contact: Dave Boyd, 498-6636,