This Spring, three homeless people were found dead in Ballard. These men were Charles Tompkins, who died of hypothermia near the Ballard Locks, Ken Trygg, whose body was found near a
dumpster near Market Street NW, and Thomas Mumby, who was found dead in a van near Market Street NW. (See previous coverage)
On Wednesday, June 29, the Women in Black will hold a cleansing vigil in honor of these men and to stress the importance of providing shelters for homeless people.
Every time a homeless person dies outside or by violence in King County, WHEEL (a grassroots organizing effort of homeless women) and the Church of Mary Magdalene stand silent witnessing vigils called Women in Black.In the last 11 years, they've held vigils for more than 400 people.
In addition to the vigil, the Women in Black raise awareness of a Ballard Car Camp Proposal and advocate for a permanent City Car Camp and amnesty from “The Boot” for homeless people who have no recourse but to sleep in their vehicles.
Cleansing Vigil will take place at Bergen Place (Leary Avenue, 22nd Ave NW, and Market Street) from noon until 1 p.m. on Wednesday, June 29.
For more information, call (206)956-0334 or email