“We can’t get worse,” a voter noted in regard to Des Moines City Council candidates in the upcoming election.”
That and other unbelievable accusations are flying the sky like hateful, political, personal daggers.
How in this good Lord’s beautiful world can people scrounge up so much personal hatred about Des Moines Council candidates to even consider making it public? I don’t know that answer, however I do know Scripture that reads, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
Have you noticed how delightfully photographic, handsome/beautiful, charming, heartwarming and sincere political candidates pictures appear in promotional and informative voting pamphlets?
It reminds me of my Mom getting us kids all cleaned up for Sunday church services in younger years – body scrubbed and face shining.
Of course, Grandma, with her years of wisdom knew how to get to the heart of that subject saying, “Now if you behave half as good as you look, you’ll be okay.” (My mother didn’t fail to quote it, either.)
Recently it seems politics have turned from issues to personal attacks. What happened to dealing with the issues?
Grandma told me early on that using bad language and criticizing other people only succeeds in lowering the perception of the person we are –- not the other person
Keen attention should be given to the wisdom of experience and each candidate’s real-life background. If we vote based primarily by “election propaganda” we may well live to regret not becoming better informed.
Posed pictures showcase that candidate’s appearance, not their reason for running for office. An interesting question to ask is, “If you could only accomplish one top priority public change or addition during your whole term, what would that be?
Politics are like a huge mud puddle when it’s all stirred up and serves a menu you may never recognize - or have chosen.
Lawmakers need to identify high priorities and accomplish them. I would ask that the council continue being “cost effective.” Keep taxes low so people have enough spending money to live well and get our economy going again.
Two council members who have served faithfully for many years have chosen not to pursue re-election. By profession an engineer, Scott Thomasson has continuously served Des Moines for about 24 years.
I have sat through many years of council meetings and watched Scott’s influence assist council in making good decisions by sharing his expertise. Scott always does his homework.
Dan Sherman brings his extensive medical skills and talents as well as 16+ years dedication to his longtime D.M. home and helped to make this city even better.
Council Members continuing on their present terms include Carmen Scott, Dave Kaplan, Matt Pina, and Melissa Musser.
Six candidates are running for election or re-election to fill three seats. Rebecca King is running against Mayor Bob Sheckler. Dan Caldwell and Dave Markwell are running for one open seat while Carri Litowitz and Jeanette Burrage are running fore the other vacant spot.
Attend or watch on TV the City Council meetings. Choose to be heard wisely. No one is perfect, yet these candidates will shape and decide the future for our children and grandchildren.
“The People” need to play an active role as well. Success is established and supported by teamwork.
The People are the community and to be most successful we must all share positive efforts to support common goals, find reasons to agree and/or improve plans, and be actively involved.
Elected officials must reach out to the people to hear their concerns, and we the people must respond with a positive helping hand. “Be part of the solution, not the problem.” Be truly informed, know the facts and make wise decisions without political bias. If something could be done better, help lawmakers make it better.
And yes, things can or will get worse or better. How? Find fault or help make things right.
A preacher said, “It’s well to remember that when our finger is pointing at someone else, our thumb is pointing right back at us.”
Electing lawmakers is like boarding an airplane for a long trip.
Here’s what I want to see before a flight crew takes me 35,000 feet above my comfortable world; A captain with tinges of gray hair experience, and a co-pilot with that enthusiastic look of doing a job they love to do. If they’re safe, chances are, so are we!
Today’s Thought: “Praise does wonders for our sense of Hearing!