LETTER: Burien bigots shouldn’t throw stones at White Center
Tue, 11/15/2011
This letter is to all the people in Burien who have nothing to say but horrible things about White Center.
My husband and I live in unincorporated King County on the outside fringes of White Center but in the area that is looking at being incorporated. How dare any of you imply that because people live in White Center we are all no good and do not deserve a better way of life.
My husband has worked for the Boeing company for 32 years and I was there for 25. We have never been arrested or been involved in any type of crime. We live in a beautiful well-maintained home, pay our bills on time and spend a lot of our hard earned money in your little city.
I read the paper and from what I see, Burien has no business throwing any stones at anyone as you have plenty of crime in your own backyard.
Yes, White Center does seem to have a lot of problems but, bear in mind, not all of the area that is looking to be incorporated is directly in White Center and, even if it were, the people are not all bad.
You should be ashamed of yourselves. You have no problem with us coming into Burien to shop, and, hey let’s face it, all you have to offer is Fred Meyer, a few high-end specialty shops, more than your fair share of fast food chains and miles of car dealerships. I read you’re expecting to add a car mall. Oh, hey that sure makes you special.
If you don’t want us that is up to you but I am sick to death of all the negative things you all have to say about the majority of people who live in unincorporated King County.
I would really not want to be incorporated into Seattle but I am not sure I want to be incorporated with people who believe because they have lived in the Burien area for 30 or 40 years they are better. I have lived here for 41 years and I want you to know I am, as are most of the people, just as good and maybe a bit better than most of you narrow-minded bigots.
Thank you for letting me have my say.
Nancy Takenaga
North Highline