Seattle Police Dept. posts 2010 'Use of Force' report
Fri, 12/16/2011
The Seattle Police Department has posted their 2010 Use of Force report and it notes that it was up only slightly, 2.6% but that complaints rose 30%. That number is lower than the national average, by "nearly one third" for metropolitan police departments the document states.
From the report:
Major findings in the Report are, as follows:
• Use of force incidents were up by 2.6% in 2010, when compared with 2009, but are down by more than one-third when compared with 2006.
• Seattle Police Department Officers use force infrequently. Only 0.12% of all interactions between officers and community members in 2010 resulted in use of force by officers, about the same as in 2009 and 2008, and down from the levels in 2007 and 2006.
• Based upon total arrests (the types of situations where force is most likely to be used), the use of force rate was 2.46%, up from 2.39% in 2009, but down from 2.59% in 2008.
• Most of the force applied by Seattle Police Department officers consists of the use of their own bodies. Hands/arms/elbows and feet/legs/knees constituted 82% of the force used by officers in 2010, up from 78% in 2009 and 75% in 2008.
• Complaints received concerning use of force by Seattle Police Department officers rose by about 30% in 2010, but remain relatively low when compared with national statistics. The rate of complaint for the Department is nearly one-third lower than the average reported for metropolitan police departments by the Bureau of Justice Statistics.
• In two use of force cases in 2010, accurate diagnoses and quick thinking by SPD officers resulting in saving the lives of the subjects involved.
The full use of force report can be downloaded here or at the link above.