Burien Police Chief Scott Kimerer answered questions on the city's proposed annexation of North Highline from the Washington State Boundary Review Board on Jan. 9 in White Center.
The Washington State Boundary Review Board will meet back at Cascade Middle School (11212 10th Ave S.W.) at 7 p.m. on Jan. 23 for deliberations on Burien's proposed annexation of unincorporated North Highline.
The board will likely come to a preliminary decision that evening, which would become official at their meeting in February.
The meeting is open to the public; however public testimony is no longer being accepted. It will be a chance to listen in on the board's decision-making process.
Anyone with questions can contact Lenora Blauman, Executive Secretary of the Review Board, at 206-296-6800.
If the board accepts Burien's application the city can move forward in putting annexation to a vote for the people of North Highline either in August or November.
If passed by the citizens, Burien has said annexation would occur in 2013.