North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Forum on Public Safety set for Feb. 9
White Center Storefront Deputy BJ Myers will be on hand for the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council Public Safety Forum on Feb. 9.
Thu, 01/26/2012
Press release from BJ Myers, White Center storefront deputy
The Sheriff’s Office is proud to be a part of the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council’s (NHUAC) upcoming forum on Public Safety, February 9th at 7:00pm, North Highline Fire Station (1243 SW 112 St). As the new White Center Storefront Deputy, I am hoping this event will be an opportunity for me to hear from the residents of the neighborhood and to meet those of you I haven’t already. The event will include:
Guest Speaker: Detective Joe Gagliardi from the King County Sheriff’s Office and Burien Police Department Gang Unit will discuss what residents of White Center should know about gangs. Det. Gagliardi is one of the region’s foremost experts on criminal street gangs and has spoken in schools, courts, and community centers throughout King County. After serving with the Fairfield (CA) Police Dept., Det. Gagliardi has been working in White Center and Burien for years, making him uniquely knowledgeable about local gang issues.
Involvement: The Block Watch program will be highlighted and residents will be encouraged to get connected.
Forum: A discussion with Deputy BJ Myers about how to keep White Center safe and feeling safe.