Just before the end of the year, Mayor McGinn signed an ordinance (123790) that rezones the West Seattle Triangle, a seven block area, that changes the requirements for buildings regarding lot coverage limits, setbacks, separation, the maximum width of structures and other land use.
This ordinance takes effect on Jan. 27.
This legislation:
Rezones the area from a general commercial 1 (C1) zone to the neighborhood commercial 3 (NC3) zone in an approximately seven-block area. The new zone designation would require pedestrian-oriented street frontages in structures consistent with the area’s location at the hub of transit within the urban village.
Extends an existing Pedestrian (P) designation along SW Alaska Street between 36th Avenue SW and 42nd Avenue SW.
Establishes standards to modify the bulk and scale of structures and enhance the pedestrian environment in the proposed NC3 85’ zone. Development standards include a maximum lot coverage limit, an upper-level setback along SW Alaska Street, and a maximum structure width in the north-south direction.
Applies incentive zoning programs for affordable housing required for development that exceeds 4.75 FAR in the NC3 85’ zone.
You can obtain copies of the ordinance by contacting the City Clerk’s office at 684-8344 or by accessing the Clerk’s website at http://clerk.ci.seattle.wa.us/~public/CBOR1.htm. If you have any questions about the adopted legislation, please call Susan McLain at (206) 684-0432 or email her at susan.mclain@seattle.gov.